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Compatibility with standard liquid

You may checkout the documentation for standard liquid: -

liquidpy tries to maintain the maximum compatibility with liquid. But we do have some differences:

Filter round()

It always returns a float rather than an integer when ndigits=0

Logical operators

The logical operators and/or collapse from left to right (it's right to left in liquid)


Truthy and falsy

Instead of always truthy for empty string, 0, empty array, they are falsy in liquidpy


Literal ranges ((1..5)) are suported by liquidpy. However, the start and the stop must be integers or names, meaning this is not supported (1..array.size). You can do this instead:

{% assign asize = array.size %}
{% for i in (1..asize) %}
{% endfor %}


You are able to do the following in ruby liquid:

{{ "1" | plus: 1}}  # 2
However, this is not valid in liquidpy. Because the template is eventually compiled into python code and the type handling is delegated to python, but "1" + 1 is not a valid python operation.

So you have to do typecasting yourself:

{{ "1" | int | plus: 1 }}  # 2

In order to make it work, extra filters int, float, str and bool are added as builtin filters. They are also added as globals in order to get this work:

{% capture lst_size %}4{% endcapture %}
{{ 2 | at_most: int(lst_size) }}  # 2

See also: